Utilities and Scripts


jbang run asciidoc@wfouche filename.adoc


kwrk is a benchmark utility, implemented in Kotlin using the Tulip runtime, which is similar in functionality to wrk and wrk2. See article "Getting started with wrk and wrk2 benchmarking" for more information on using these two HTTP benchmark utilities.

kwrk records benchmark latencies using HdrHistogram, and a future version will display a detailed percentile report of response times just like wrk2 does.

Usage: kwrk [<options>]

  --rps=<float>             # default value is 5.0
  --threads=<int>           # default value is 2
  --duration=<int>          # default value is 30 seconds
  --iterations=<int>        # default value is 3
  --url=<text>              # no default value
  -h, --help          Show this message and exit

Benchmark 1 at 10 RPS

This test sends HTTP requests at a rate of 10 requests per second (rps) to <jsonplaceholder>/posts/1.

jbang run kwrk@wfouche --rps=10.0 --url=http://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/posts/1
Command Output
  --rps 10.0
  --threads 2
  --duration 30
  --iterations 3
  --url http://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/posts/1

Tulip 2.1.5 (Java: Microsoft 21.0.6+7-LTS, Kotlin: 2.0.21)


Output filename = kwrk_output.json
Report filename = kwrk_report.html

Open file kwrk_report.html in a browser to view the benchmark results.

kwrk bench 1

Benchmark 2 at 10,000 RPS

This test sends HTTP requests at a rate of 10,000 requests per second (rps) to <localhost:7070>/posts/1.

Open two terminal windows. Run the Test Http Service in the first terminal window, and kwrk in the second terminal window.

Terminal 1
jbang run HttpService.java

[main] INFO io.javalin.Javalin - Javalin started in 526ms \o/
[main] INFO io.javalin.Javalin - Listening on http://localhost:7070/
[main] INFO io.javalin.Javalin - You are running Javalin 6.4.0 (released December 17, 2024).
Terminal 2
jbang run kwrk@wfouche --rps=10000.0 --url=http://localhost:7070/posts/1

  --rps 10000.0
  --threads 2
  --duration 30
  --iterations 3
  --url http://localhost:7070/posts/1

Tulip 2.1.5 (Java: Microsoft 21.0.6+7-LTS, Kotlin: 2.0.21)


Output filename = kwrk_output.json
Report filename = kwrk_report.html

The benchmark results are again written to report kwrk_report.html.

kwrk bench 2

Test Http Service

$ jbang run HttpService.java

///usr/bin/env jbang "$0" "$@" ; exit $?

//DEPS io.javalin:javalin:6.4.0
//DEPS org.slf4j:slf4j-simple:2.0.16

// https://javalin.io/
import io.javalin.Javalin;

public class HttpService {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        var app = Javalin.create(/*config*/)
            .get("/posts/{id}", ctx -> ctx.result("{\"code\": \"OK\"}")
                .contentType("application/json") )

// curl http://localhost:7070/posts/1
// {"code": "OK"}